HIB Manager
We guide users through reporting process while keeping them on track throughout the investigation. Email alerts, dynamic letter templates, on-demand reporting, and data analysis automate the HIB workflow.

“It is not that big of a challenge to create a web application that can collect information. What we have done with the HIB Manager is go beyond a simple web application that collects information to an intelligent system that understands the requirements and workflows involved with conducting a HIB investigation. Not only do we ensure legal compliance, but we also help guide the user through the reporting process to ensure that we gather all the information we need to conduct an investigation. Next we walk the Anti-Bullying specialist through the tasks that need to be completed while conducting an investigation and even provide them with a determination wizard to confirm that the incident meets the criteria set forth in the bullying statue when making a determination.”
- Michael Sloan, Founder, myK12
Why Choose Us?
New Jersey's Trusted Solution
The New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association, the Foundation for Educational Administration, and LEGAL ONE are proud partners of the myK12 HIB Manager.

Determination Wizard
Alleged HIB incidents must be found to contain certain required elements of HIB in order to be deemed a confirmed HIB incident. As you go through the determination process the system will prompt you to answer question and provide evidence. Based on your answers to these yes or no questions the system will conclude whether the incident has the required elements to be considered HIB.
The investigation of an alleged HIB incident requires the collaboration of many key people throughout the district. Having all of the needed information available to you personnel in real time, in a single location, is key to effective management of HIB incidents.
- HIB Work Flow Automation
- 10 Step Guided Procedure for Reporting Incidents
- Focused Investigation Tasks
- Determination Wizard
- Document Management
- Full Featured Reporting Suite
- Dynamic Letter Templates
- Student Search
How it Works
We break down the HIB process presenting users with a series of focused steps and tasks to ensure that all requirements are met during both the reporting and investigation phases. Each HIB incident goes through a four stage procedure.
- Alleged Incident Reporting
- Active Investigations
- Concluded Investigations
- Archived Investigations
1. Alleged Incident Reporting
When alleged HIB related behavior is witnessed or experienced users will generate a new alleged incident report in the system. The system guides the user through a ten step reporting process, checking each step to ensure all the necessary information is gathered. Each step is focused on a particular area of the report keep the user on task.
- Report Information
The system will generate a new report for you with a unique ID number and time stamp to ensure you are meeting your time lines. The user will give the report a title and identify who the incident is being reported by.
- Identify Recipient
On step 2 the user will identify the recipient of the alleged HIB related behavior by searching for the student by first name, last name, or local ID number. As per the state regulations each report can have only one identified recipient.
- Identify Aggressor(s)
On step 3 users will identify the student or students that are suspected of committing the alleged HB behavior. Users can add students to the incident by searching for the student by first name, last name, or local ID number. Users will also have the option to indicate that the alleged aggressor(s) could not be identified.
- Date/Time
On step 4 the user will indicate the day and time that the incident occurred, they will also have the option to indicate a period of time that the alleged behaviors occurred during by indicating a start and end date.
- Location
On step 5 the user will record information about where the incident occurred. In this step the user is required to select the school were the incident occurred which is also used by the system to be the school responsible for the investigation
- Behavioral Observations
On step 6 the user will indicate the type of alleged HIB related behaviors that were experienced by the alleged recipient.
- Incident Details
On step 7 the user will have the opportunity to record the details of the alleged HIB related behavior.
- Motivational Characteristics
On step 8 the user will identify the actual or perceived characteristics of alleged recipient, or person that received the behavior, that may have motivated the alleged HIB behavior.
- Witnesses
Users can use this step to record information about anyone who may have been a witness to the alleged HIB related behavior.
- Release Report
On the final step the user will be presented with a copy of their completed report allowing hem to review all of the information they have entered. After reviewing their report the user will release the report and automatic notifications will go out to the appropriate personnel letting them new a new alleged incident report has been created and needs to be investigated.
2. Active Investigations
The HIB Manager Active Investigation section will present you with a series of Investigation Tasks designed to guide an anti-bullying specialist through the process of the investigation.
- Review Report
This task allows you to review the information that was submitted, it also allows you to click a button to mark the report as reviewed. When you click this button the system will record your user ID and a timestamp to show when you reviewed the material. Each HIB specialist who reviews the report will able to record a unique view record so you can track who reviewed the report and when.
- Initial Parent Contact
This task will allow you to record information about the initial parent contact that is made to inform the parents/guardians that an alleged incident has occurred and an investigation is being conducted. You will be able to record information for each of the individuals involved in the incident including the date of contact, time of contact, and the details pertaining to the contact.
- Investigation
This task will provide a screen to record investigation notes. As you conduct the investigation and gather information you can record the details of your investigation. Each note will show who entered it into the system and when they entered it. To encourage collaboration all HIB specialist will be able to see all of the notes associated with the investigation, but will only be able to modify their own information. The investigation notes will keep a chronological record of how the investigation was performed along with time line information.
- Determination
This task will guide you through the process of determining if the incident meets the required definition of HIB. Alleged HIB incidents must be found to contain certain required elements of HIB in order to be deemed a confirmed HIB incident. As you go through the determination process the system will prompt you to answer question and provide evidence. Based on your answers to these yes or no questions the system will conclude whether the incident has the required elements to be considered HIB.
- Interventions
This task will provide a screen to record the interventions that are put in place to prevent the alleged HIB behavior from occurring again. Each intervention must be assigned to the student or students who were assigned the intervention. You will be able to add a single intervention to multiple students at the same time, but each intervention will be recorded separate in the system to allow for individual changes later. This task will available in both the Active and Concluded Investigations.
3. Concluded Investigations
The HIB work flow does not conclude immediately after an incident determination has been made. The Concluded Investigations sections provides another series of task that must be completed following the conclusion of the investigation.
- Review Report
This task allows you to review the information that was submitted, the information collected during the investigation, and the information collected during the determination. The tasks also allows you to click a button to mark the report as reviewed. When you click this button the system will record your user ID and a time stamp to show when you reviewed the material. All HIB specialist, and district personnel who review the report will able to record a unique view record so you can track who reviewed the report and when.
- Interventions
This task will provide a screen to record the interventions that are put in place to prevent the alleged HIB behavior from occurring again. Each intervention must be assigned to the student or students who were assigned the intervention. You will be able to add a single intervention to multiple students at the same time, but each intervention will be recorded separate in the system to allow for individual changes later. This task will available in both the Active and Concluded Investigations.
- Addenda
When information comes to light after the conclusion of the investigation the addenda task give the user the opportunity to record this new information without making any modifications to report as it was reported, ensuring a strong legal confidence.
- Incident Summary
This task will allow you to enter a summary for the incident. This summary can appear on the Board of Education Summary Report produced by the system to give the Board an overview of the incident. This task is optional, and if it is not completed there will be no indication on the Board of Education Summary Report that this information has not been included.
- Final Notification
This task will allow you to create letters to be sent to parents/guardians to inform them of the status if the investigation. You will be able to create a letter for each of the individuals involved in the incident. The system will automatically assign the appropriate letter templates, which you can customize, to both recipients and aggressors. In addition to creating the letters you will be able to record the date and time the letter was sent.
- Affirmation
This task provides a place to record the date that the incident was affirmed by the district's Board of Education.
- Archive
This task allow the user to "close" the incident so that it no longer appears in Concluded Investigations and is moved to Archived Incidents. Once incidents are archived the can be easily restored to Concluded Investigations if additional information needs to be recorded.
4. Archived Incidents
When all of the task associated with a particular have been completed, the incident is moved into Archived Incidents. When an incident is in the archive reports can easily be run to get the information from the report. Any incident can also be easily restored when need be.
Collecting data is useless without good analysis and reporting. Not only does myK12 offer a full suite of tools for organizing the information you have entered into the system into highly usable reports, but we also use the information you have entered to identify trends in your information.
Our dynamic letter templates allow you to quickly generate custom letters. Using predefined macros you are able to customize your letters to match your districts look and feel.
Student Search
The Student Search feature allows you to search for any student in the district and pull up all of the incidents they have been involved in either as a recipient or aggressor. This overview will give you the status of the incidents that the student was involved in and also give you one click access to review the incidents.